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Welcome to the Imagine Me Ministries Website!

Our Mission

Changing the trajectory of girl’s lives in overlooked urban communities to become self-sufficient, high achieving leaders who reach their full potential.

Our Vision

Our vision is that every girl would see herself as God sees her and that the organization will support the development of promising futures despite past disappointments, challenges and hurts, with a passion to foster camaraderie between girls and their peers, seeing them in healthy relationships equipped with the tools to make wise decisions throughout their entire lives.

Imagine Me, a 501 c(3) nonprofit youth development and mentoring organization for girls with over 17 years of experience delivering in-school, after-school and out-of-school time programming in Baltimore City Public Schools, the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services, and communities throughout Baltimore City. Imagine Me has served over 900 girls and matched over 85 girls with a one-on-one mentor, with matches lasting on average over 3 years. Imagine Me offers one-on-one, peer and group mentoring coupled with youth development programming concentrating on the “whole” girl within an education-driven, peer to peer, social-emotional learning context.

Our overarching organizational goals are to:

  • Provide girls with the tools to make productive life choices in environments that provide long term, relentless support and accountability to ensure that right decisions become the norm and not an anomaly.
  • To increase high school choice acceptance, high school graduation, college preparation, acceptance and completion and career readiness in the underserved and under-resourced communities of the inner City of Baltimore and beyond.

Imagine Me offers a customized curriculum that focuses on delivering weekly in-school, after-school, and out-of-school time program structures to promote healthy social and emotional development, academic achievement, cultural enrichment, college and career exploration, and healthy life skills for our middle and high school girls.

Imagine Me’s program elements focus on social, emotional, academic, spiritual, physical, relational, and behavioral aspects of being a female in today’s world via partnerships with schools, corporations, community organizations, churches, and other non-profit and for-profit organizations. As a result, Imagine Me girls develop leadership skills, positive character traits, personal accountability, communication skills, listening skills as well as a host of other life skills that are foundational to the pursuit and achievement of their goals throughout life.



In 2007, Pascha founded Imagine Me Ministries (Imagine Me), a youth development and mentoring organization for girls whose mission is changing the trajectory of girl’s lives in overlooked urban communities to become self-sufficient, high-achieving leaders who reach their full potential!

Pascha has over 22 years of experience in creating and implementing dynamic after-school, in-school and community-based programs for women and girls in middle and high schools, churches and communities in Baltimore City and the surrounding areas. In addition, Pascha implemented Imagine Me Thrives, a life skills program, in partnership with the Department of Juvenile Services.
Pascha is fully aware that all the education in the world cannot compare to the importance of having a love relationship with Jesus Christ and she is grateful that the Lord has allowed her to receive degrees from the University of Maryland College Park (BS), Johns Hopkins University (MBA – Finance) and a Master of Arts in Christian Care (Youth and Family) from Lancaster Bible College – Capital Seminary and Graduate School.

As a proud West Baltimore native, Pascha is passionate about the social, emotional, spiritual, and academic success of girls in overlooked and under resourced urban environments. She believes that you can’t have success in one area without the other and the foundation of a program’s design must affirm and dignify the life and future of participants regardless of their background. Hence, you will never hear Pascha use the term, “at-risk”. All of humanity is “at risk”.
After enjoying a career in the financial services industry at Legg Mason and the Maryland Department of Commerce (then Maryland Department of Business & Economic Development), Pascha followed her passion for mentoring and founded Imagine Me and continues to find joy and fulfillment in seeing girls and women, young and old, thrive and grow. One of Pascha’s favorite Scripture passages is Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” The goal of Imagine Me is that girls would see themselves as God sees them and that they would live with hope and not only envision a prosperous future but be inspired to live it out on a daily basis.
The work of Imagine Me has blessed Pascha to have received local and national recognition. Pascha also enjoys serving as a speaker at women and girls events both locally and nationally, as well as serving as a Mentor MDDC, National Mentoring Resource Center Consultant to other mentoring programs in the MD/DC region.

Pascha is happily married to her gift from God, Wayne Lee, who also serves on the Board of Imagine Me. They have two amazing sons, Wayne Lee Jr. and Jeremiah. Wayne and Pascha love to take long rides in classic cars, travel and serve on Christian missions’ teams locally, nationally, and internationally.

Name Affiliation
Tanya Bentley-Young Fitness Lifestyle Coach
John Blum Martins West Caterers
James Carroll James Carroll LLC
Pascha R. Lee Imagine Me Ministries, Inc
Wayne W. Lee Christian Liberty Church
Jeannette Simon Ananizach Consulting

We are continuing to recruit for additional Board Members.